Don Lively's
Divestiture Essay and More
"Telecom Treason"
Lets Have
The Wall Street Journal Get it Straight
Recent Journal stories about the FCC Triennial Review of the Telecom Act of
1996, continue to miss the ongoing significance of the near treasonous action
of that Commission and of the Dept. of Justice - beginning in 1956 and
culminating in the 1982 Modified Final Judgment (Consent Decree) which broke up
the Bell System.
An Irreplaceable National Treasure
word treason is not used lightly. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed in
1953 for their role in providing nuclear bomb details to the old Soviet Union -
a disastrous compromise of Americas then edge in military capabilities. The
Federal Governments unceasing efforts to dismember the highly integrated Bell
System, aside from the long period over which these efforts persisted, have had
much the same effect as the Rosenbergs transgressions. That is, with a stroke
of a judicial pen, and as an immediate consequence of Divestiture, the once
famous Research & Systems Engineering division of Bell Laboratories (RS&E),
ceased to exist.
That part of Bell Labs was the section which engaged in basic
research, and was funded by a few pennies from each telephone users bill (via
AT&Ts license contract with the Bell Operating Companies). This, as opposed to
that part of BTL funded by Western Electric for product development. The RS&E
organization engaged in the same sort of basic research which major universities
pursued - it, once being judged second only to UC Berkeley in world stature.
From there came the science that gave the world the
transistor, laser (maser), Shannons Information Theory (basis of modern
computing), fiber optics, cellular radio, satellite communications, radio
broadcasting, sound motion pictures, a major role in the 70% of WWII military
electronics which BTL and Western Electric provided - all these, and an endless
series of human factors discoveries. Tragically, and as a recent commentator
in the monthly journal of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
(IEEE) wrote, none of the winning applications of the past decade have come
from the telephone companies. This, in contrast where virtually all once
All this is just part of the story. The Washington social
meddlers, who seem genetically incapable of tolerating anything large and
successful in the fields of privately funded and marketed technology or
services, halted at the last moment, in the early 1960s, what would have been
Americas first public dial up data network. A nationwide network of switches and
digital transport facilities was built, tested and ready for service, when the
FCC decided this offering would spell the competitive end of the already
irrelevant Western Union Telegraph message service. Only about a quarter of a
century later, with modem-equipped personal computers, did the public gain easy
access to dialup data service.
FCC road blocking of Bell progress didnt stop in the 60s.
Cellular radio was developed at BTL and was ready for the market in the early
70s. But again, the FCC was terrified that the Bell System might extend the
range of telecom services it could offer. Not until the early 80s, was Bell
allowed to provide this greatly improved advancement (cellular) over its long
obsolete public mobile radio services. Of course, the Japanese, Swedes, Finns
and others, had 10 years of no American competition in developing and marketing
and cellular products and services for the rest of the world to profit from.
The Beat
Goes On - 4th Amendment Takings
But, still the FCCs beat goes on. With its confusion about
the market place and legitimate competition, the communications industry was
given the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This latest piece of bureaucratic
pettifogging, was supposed to bring about real competition in
telecommunications. Its policy for accomplishing this, was creation of UNE-p
(unbundled network elements-platform)
a regulatory form of government-mandated
license for telecom have nots to take from the Bell haves.
In what for any other setting, would be a preposterous 4th
Amendment takings action, so called Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs),
can demand that Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs) provide central office
and distribution facilities at wholesale rates - typically at about 60% of
what said plant costs the ILECs to construct and maintain. In most instances,
the CLECs choose not to build their own central office equipment in telco
offices - instead, just market and bill for the re-branded existing ILEC
capabilities. All this implemented via an arcane acronym - TELRIC (Total Element
Long Run Incremental Costs)
the FCCs economic model the state regulatory
bodies are required to use calculate wholesale rates at which ILECs must lease
facilities to CLECs).
This is not legitimate competition or the market place at
work. There could be no complaint by any ILEC shareowner or employee, were
genuine competitors to move into a market with their own capital to fund and
build new or better technology, service and prices. DVD and CD content providers
did not demand that Compact Cassette, 8 Track, VHS and LP record marketers
subsidize their new and better digital media technology. Neither would the US
Postal Service be expected to provide floor space and personnel at below cost,
to enable a new mail delivery service to offer first class mail at 25 cents per
Breaking A
Social Contract
This latest and most disastrous FCC attack on a nearly
century long telecom social contract, leaves in its wake shells of three once
innovative and profitable leaders in telecom technology. Nortel, Lucent and
Alcatel have been forced to destroy 500,000 well paying jobs and the revenues
they produced. Their shareowners have suffered unwarranted losses of trillions
in equity. Its as though CLEC faux entrepreneurs were authorized to abscond
with portions of each shareowners investment without paying for such takings.
Slow Motion
Treason - Frankfurt School Style
Had a band of offshore invaders come to our shores, with a
plan to accomplish in 9-11 fashion (and in one instantaneous action), what the
FCC and DOJ have persistently ground away at since reopening the Consent Decree
of 1956, there would not be enough newsprint, printers ink or TV time to convey
the dimensions of such economic and national defense terror.
Sadly, like so much other relentless Sovietizing of America
in education, media, entertainment, race, religion and politics, this once
paragon of world telecom excellence, is being dragged down to the same common
denominator which the Frankfurt School Four (from pre-WII Germany) had in
mind, when they came to America to accomplish by societal subversion, what
Marx, Lenin and Stalin were not able to accomplish with force-imposed violent
Communism. Not the rantings of a conspiracist, just some reflections about the
slow motion political erosion of one national treasure after another.
Time For
Some Moral Integrity
Hopefully FCC Chairman Powell will have the moral integrity
to revisit the history of what Theodore Vail and the Interstate Commerce
Commission worked out in the early 1900s with the Kingsbury Commitment, i.e.,
that agreement which enabled AT&T, as a chosen instrument, to submit to
reasonable regulation (of service and profit) in return for providing
end-to-end accountability, assuming national network management and
offering affordable universal telephone service.
Only a few history books and some aging Bellheads, possess
and can convey comprehension of this telecom treason, which the FCC has
engaged in for nearly 50 years.
Donald E.
Lafayette, CA
January 2003

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