This picture shows a splicer rigged up. You reported to the job and if you moved a short distance you put the tent, platform, ladder, kerosene furnace, and everything on top of the cart and pushed to the next splice. At night you tied the ladder up to a pole locked the cart lit the lantern and went home. If you had to move a distance the supply truck would move you. You would call the office and order supplies for the next day. The supply truck had a pump on the front and if you were working in the underground he would pump the manhole for you. The splicer needed a helper to rig the platform and to send tone to pick pairs. The helper would take the 76 set which had a strap and put it over your shoulder and walk or take a bus to the central office. You would set it up on the cable count you were working on send tone and when the splicer found the tone a buzzer went off and you threw the talk key and used this for a talking pair to talk on while you would send him tone on every pair. I spent my first winter doing this. Now everyone has a bucket truck!